
Is a geothermal heat pump difficult to install?

Most units are easy to install, particularly when they replace another forced-air system. They can be installed in areas unsuitable for fossil fuel furnaces because there is no combustion, thus no need to vent exhaust gases. Ductwork must be installed in homes that don’t have an existing air distribution system. The difficulty of installing ductwork will vary and should be assessed by a contractor. Another popular way to use geothermal technology is with in-floor radiant heating, in which hot water circulating through pipes under the floor heats the room.

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About Frosty Refrigeration

Frosty Refrigeration has provided Baltimore, and the surrounding areas, geothermal heating and cooling solutions for many years. We proudly offer Maryland WaterFurnace geothermal systems and stand behind our quality work and products.  Call us at Frosty Refrigeration today.  We are ready to bring you into the WaterFurnace Maryland area geothermal family.

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